Ozona History
December 05, 2024

December 4, 1924
The Ozona Hi Football team has just passed through one of the most successful seasons in its history. This is the fifth year of football in Ozona. Although the team did not end the season with the highest percentage in its history, most of the games were with teams that never before played Ozona and most of which were representing schools much larger than Ozona. The team had a good supply of material, line backing from the town and school, fine coaching and it was hard to put out any kind of team other than a winning one. The old spirit of “putting the Purple and Gold first” was in every pupil and teacher of the school.
The Ozona Hi Football team has just passed through one of the most successful seasons in its history. This is the fifth year of football in Ozona. Although the team did not end the season with the highest percentage in its history, most of the games were with teams that never before played Ozona and most of which were representing schools much larger than Ozona. The team had a good supply of material, line backing from the town and school, fine coaching and it was hard to put out any kind of team other than a winning one. The old spirit of “putting the Purple and Gold first” was in every pupil and teacher of the school.
December 4, 1934
Fire originating from a gasoline burner completely destroyed the Green Lantern sandwich and lunch stand, owned and operated by N. K. Rendall, about 10 o'clock Thanksgiving night The loss is estimated at approximately $ 1500, with no insurance. The blaze started when Mr. Rendall was pumping up the pressure tank on the burner. It was thought that the tank or gasoline had sprung a leak and that the gasoline, running out of the tank and to the floor, became ignited from the burner blaze. Several customers were in the place at the time and so quickly was it enveloped in flames that Mr. Rendall’s eyebrows and hair were singed before he could make his escape after getting the customers out.
Fire originating from a gasoline burner completely destroyed the Green Lantern sandwich and lunch stand, owned and operated by N. K. Rendall, about 10 o'clock Thanksgiving night The loss is estimated at approximately $ 1500, with no insurance. The blaze started when Mr. Rendall was pumping up the pressure tank on the burner. It was thought that the tank or gasoline had sprung a leak and that the gasoline, running out of the tank and to the floor, became ignited from the burner blaze. Several customers were in the place at the time and so quickly was it enveloped in flames that Mr. Rendall’s eyebrows and hair were singed before he could make his escape after getting the customers out.
December 7, 1944
Football fans and backers of school athletics are contributing to a "kitty" here this week for the purpose of sending Coach L. B. T. Sikes and every boy on his 1944 champion football squad to Dallas on New Year's Day to witness the annual Cotton Bowl gridiron classic between the Texas Christian University and Oklahoma A & M. With eager backers of the champion Lions ready to contribute to the fund, arrangement are rapidly being completed for Coach Sikes and his 28 boys to go by bus from San Angelo to Dallas, witness the Cotton Bowl game and return.
Football fans and backers of school athletics are contributing to a "kitty" here this week for the purpose of sending Coach L. B. T. Sikes and every boy on his 1944 champion football squad to Dallas on New Year's Day to witness the annual Cotton Bowl gridiron classic between the Texas Christian University and Oklahoma A & M. With eager backers of the champion Lions ready to contribute to the fund, arrangement are rapidly being completed for Coach Sikes and his 28 boys to go by bus from San Angelo to Dallas, witness the Cotton Bowl game and return.
December 2, 1954
In order that as many fans as possible may be able to view the telecast of the Southern Methodist University – Notre Dame football game, to be played in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas next Saturday afternoon, a tent is to be erected beneath the TV tower on Tandy hill and a television set tuned to bring the game, barring extremely bad weather. Through the courtesy of Ken Cody, of Cody Funeral Home, the firm’s tent has been made available for use on the occasion. Two TV sets will be in operation, one in the trailer house and one in the tent and anybody interested in seeing the game is invited to be on hand.
In order that as many fans as possible may be able to view the telecast of the Southern Methodist University – Notre Dame football game, to be played in the Cotton Bowl in Dallas next Saturday afternoon, a tent is to be erected beneath the TV tower on Tandy hill and a television set tuned to bring the game, barring extremely bad weather. Through the courtesy of Ken Cody, of Cody Funeral Home, the firm’s tent has been made available for use on the occasion. Two TV sets will be in operation, one in the trailer house and one in the tent and anybody interested in seeing the game is invited to be on hand.
December 3, 1964
The Ozona Junior High School is among the 1700 schools in Texas that are training students in how to prepare their income tax returns this year. Principal Roy Killingsworth says that 180 Students will receive several hours income tax instruction early in February.
The Ozona Junior High School is among the 1700 schools in Texas that are training students in how to prepare their income tax returns this year. Principal Roy Killingsworth says that 180 Students will receive several hours income tax instruction early in February.
December 5, 1974
Two out of town hunters were packed up and ready to go before noon Monday when they stopped on the square with their harvest. The four bucks were good size and antler points ranged from four to eight.
Two out of town hunters were packed up and ready to go before noon Monday when they stopped on the square with their harvest. The four bucks were good size and antler points ranged from four to eight.
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